We take care of the shipment, promotion and the distribution of the best quality American & Canadian craft beers to Europe. We like to work with independent and dedicated breweries to pass on the love and passion that you put into your beers to our European customers.
Before we do business with breweries, we find it important that we get to know each other. Personal contact with the people behind the beer company’s is very important to us.
Every year we travel to the States to visit new and familiar breweries. This is essential to us because we think it is important to tell the unique story of the brewery when we sell their beers. This way we pass on the love and passion that you put into the beer during the making process. We like to see ourselves as an extension of the brewery.
While our breweries focus on producing their best beers, we take care of all logistical and administrative tasks. We arrange the grouping of the beers, apply for the right documents and take care of clearance procedures.
The beer is refrigerated throughout the entire shipping process. We start cooling the beer from the very moment it leaves the brewery and keep it cold when we transport it over the ocean. Once it arrives in the Netherlands it is stored in our warehouse. Here we do a quality check. Even in the last part of its trip, the delivery to the bar or bottle shop, we make sure the beer stays refrigerated and fresh.
While our breweries focus on producing their best beers, we take care of all logistical and administrative tasks. We arrange the grouping of the beers, apply for the right documents and take care of clearance procedures.
The beer is refrigerated throughout the entire shipping process. We start cooling the beer from the very moment it leaves the brewery and keep it cold when we transport it over the ocean. Once it arrives in the Netherlands it is stored in our warehouse. Here we do a quality check. Even in the last part of its trip, the delivery to the bar or bottle shop, we make sure the beer stays refrigerated and fresh.
We’re here to help independent breweries reach a bigger audience. Willing to share your story with us?
We’re here to help independent breweries reach a bigger audience. Willing to share your story with us?
Together with our customers we like to organise festivals, tap-takeovers and beer events to give new beers a good stage.
We find it important that our breweries (not ourselves) are in the spotlights at all of these events.
We work with the most beautiful beer locations in Europe.
We make sure that the beer arrives at the selected locations. There is no interruption in the cooling process. The beer travels from our own refrigerated warehouse with refrigerated trucks directly to the customer.